
人气:495 ℃/2023-05-05 20:01:33
【导读】 五年级关于低碳生活英语作文,下面是小编为你收集整理的,希望对你有帮助!Low carbon - the two words is indispensable in people's life. Low carbon life is we all need to do i...

Low carbon - the two words is indispensable in people's life. Low carbon life is we all need to do it. Of course, low carbon can also be reflected in the little things around us: forexample: use an environmental protection bag, use less disposable plastic bags, reduce pollution. To such a small matter, in life there are many, many, as long as we are good at observinglife, you will find them.

Light mouth say no, of course, we also have their own actions. So in this I want to give you some low carbon environmental protection tips, let everyone better do a low-carbon littletalent:

A. When having a meal, use less disposable chopsticks, spoons, and foam packaging box, multi-purpose multiple sex products, reduce the white pollution, let the earth more natural.

2. Write on the paper, paper can write on both sides. In this way, can reduce half of the trees cut down, a new check air more, a little less carbon dioxide.

3. Travel, as far as possible choose bus or bike, private cars, the less as far as possible to reduce exhaust emissions, reduce pollution to the ozone layer.

4. Wash your hands, try to be multi-purpose monohydrate, hand washing water can flush the toilet, wash the dishes and other things, so that it can reduce the dosage of water, etc.







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