
人气:459 ℃/2024-03-21 09:04:35
【导读】 英语口语打电话对话,下面是小编为你收集整理的,希望对你有帮助!随着中国对外交流的日益频繁,整个社会越来越重视英语的应用。英语口语表达作为英语的最重要的应用形式,已经得到了广大学生的重视。小编精心收集了英语打电话口语对话,供大家欣赏学习!英语打电话口语对话1打电话...





Please speak a little more slowly.

Would you slow down, please?


I can't hear you very well.

Are you free tomorrow? 明天有空吗?

I can't hear you very well. 我听不清楚。

I can barely hear you. 我一点儿都听不见。

I'm having trouble hearing you. 我听不太清楚。


We have a bad connection.

This is a really bad line.


Could you speak up, please?

Please speak a little louder.

Would you speak up a little, please?


The lines are crossed. *line 是指telephone line "电话线",cross "交叉"、"干扰"。

The lines must be crossed. 肯定是串线了。


I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.

I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让您久等了。

That's okay. 没关系。

I'm sorry for the delay. 对不起,我来晚了。

Sorry to have kept you waiting. 抱歉,让您久等了。


Thank you for waiting.


You gave me the wrong number.

The number you gave me was wrong.


情况一 打电话的人找的是你自己


你 接电话的人

Is Daisy there? Daisy 在吗? Speaking. 我就是。

This is she. 我就是。 注: 男的用 "This is he."

You're speaking/talking to her. 你正在跟她说话。 注: 男的用 "You're speaking/talking to him."

This is Daisy. 我就是 Daisy。

That's me. 我就是。

情况 二 打电话的人要找的人不在


你 接电话的人

May I speak to Mr. Gates? 请问 Gates 先生在吗?

He's not here right now. 他现在不在这里。

He's out. 他出去了。

He's in a meeting right now. 他现在正在开会。

You've just missed him. 你刚好错过他了。

He's just stepped out. 他刚好出去了。

情况 三 打电话的人要找的人不在, 问对方是否要留言


你 接电话的人

Can I talk to Mark? 我可以跟 Mark 讲话吗?

He's out on his lunch break right now. Would you like to leave a message? 他出去吃午饭了, 你要留言吗?

He's not available right now. Can I take a message? 他不在, 我可以帮你传话吗?

情况 四 打电话的人问他要找的人何时回来


你 接电话的人

Do you know when he will be back? 你知道他什么时候会回来吗?

I'm sorry. I don't know. 抱歉, 我不知道。

I have no idea. 我不知道。

He should be back in 20 minutes. 他应该二十分钟内会回来。

情况 五 打电话的人问他要找的人在哪里


你 接电话的人

Do you have any idea where he is? 你知道他在哪里吗?

Sorry. I don't know. 抱歉, 我不知道。

He's at work right now. Do you want his phone number?



Answering the phone 接电话时

Hello? informal

Thank you for calling Boyz Autobody. Jody speaking. How can I help you?

Doctor's office.

Introducing yourself 自我介绍

Hey George. It's Lisa calling. informal

Hello, this is Julie Madison calling.

Hi, it's Gerry from the dentist's office here.

This is she.*


*The person answering says this if the caller does not recognize their voice.

Asking to speak with someone 我要找……

Is Fred in? informal

Is Jackson there, please? informal

Can I talk to your sister? informal

May I speak with Mr. Green, please?

Would the doctor be in/available?

Connecting someone 我帮你转给……

Just a second. I'll get him. informal

Hang on one second. informal

Please hold and I'll put you through to his office.

One moment please.

All of our operators are busy at this time. Please hold for the next available person.

Making special requests 特殊要求!

Could you please repeat that?

Would you mind spelling that for me?

Could you speak up a little please?

Can you speak a little slower please. My English isn't very strong.

Can you call me back? I think we have a bad connection.

Can you please hold for a minute? I have another call.

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