
人气:364 ℃/2024-03-06 13:17:43
【导读】 我的寒假生活的英语作文,下面是小编为你收集整理的,希望对你有帮助!大家的寒假生活过得怎么样呢?不妨为你的寒假生活写一篇英语作文吧。以下是小编为大家整理的,有关寒假生活的英语作文,希望大家喜欢。寒假生活的英语作文一As the winter vacation is d...



As the winter vacation is drawing near, I have a plan about my vacation. I'm going to do what I want to do. I'm going to study harder in order to get good grades in the following term. Afterfinishing all my homework, I'm going to enjoy myself in the sea of knowledge. Reading must be a good idea.

I'm going to keep fit at the same time. I'll get up eary in the morning everyday and play sports. I really love sports. Besides that, Eating a balanced diet is also good for my health. I'mgoing to help my mom and dad with the housework as well in the vacation.I'll learn to cook. As for travelling, I'm planning to go to Hainan.

But whether going there or not will be decided on the weather.During the vacation,I'm going to learn more about history,as I'm really poor on it.

So you see, I'll have a terrific vacation!


My winter holiday is very dull. I stay at home for most of time. Sometimes I visit my friends and play basketball with them. Sometimes we go shopping.

One day, we go to the KFC. We have hamburgers, chicken coke and French fries. We have sore throats. We go home and have a rest. Then we feel better. We go and play computer games! How mad weare!

This is the only thing I can talk about in the holiday.


I often go to see my grandma and grandpa during winter vacation. They are both seventy years old and live in the country happily.

I can do many interesting things there. I am used to getting up early in the morning and breathing the fresh air in the countryside.

After snow,I would like to skate and ski with my friends.

When night comes,I am used to sitting by the fire and listening to grandma telling me many funny stories. And I tell her some new things happening in the city. When I have to go back,I amalways reluctant to go. I really feel happy living in the country.


During the winter vacation, nothing is different for my life. I wake up 11 o’clock Am everyday, after a washing, I have a good lunch with my parents.

Next I play computer games till the time to have supper. After have dinner. I go on playing till 2 o’clock Am, and then go to sleep with tired. This is one dull day of my winter vacation.

But I haven’t bored all the time. Someti mes I read the books, sometime I listen to the music or the radio in the bed,because it was very cold outside and snowy all the day.

And I also meet some of my good friends during the vacation ,we have a very long talk about the life of each other in the past year and play table tennis tegether .

And I watched the spring festival party of the CCTV in the last seconds of the 2014 year! I think this is the thing most people of china doing at that time.

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