
人气:319 ℃/2022-09-28 05:48:08
【导读】 家乡英语作文带翻译初三,下面是小编为你收集整理的,希望对你有帮助!乡的夏天最美,有人说春天最美,可我觉得家乡的一年四季都是美的,你知道怎么写一篇带译文的家乡的英语作文吗?下面是小编给大家整理的,供你参考!家乡英语作文篇1My hometown is home in ...



My hometown is home in zunhua city, although not very, but equally charming, especially in spring.

Early in the morning, I bathed in warm sunshine and came to the outskirts of town to experience the beauty of spring.

Today, the wind and day, the air is so fresh, the sky is so clear, the little swallow is flying freely in the air. I walk on the green grass, a gust of wind blowing, the grass jump joyfuldance, sometimes stretch your arms, bent down to touch the ground sometimes, sometimes from side to side, this is graceful; The cows were on the horns of the grass, as if a group of innocentchildren were playing. In the ground, filled with a other delectable rape, the ridge ridge, the rape flowers fragrance charming, groups of bees sip honey from flowers, they are enjoy the joy ofspring. In the field, the farmer's uncle is busy sowing the seeds, the year plan is in the spring, watch their busy form, I seem to see the joy of the farmer's uncle harvest in autumn.

The peach blossom girl also burst open smiling face, pink dudu the little face how lovely!

There was no dirt on the white dress of the apricot, and danced on the branches.

On the willow trees also grow a faint bud, like a chicken with its shell, full of trees.

You see how beautiful my hometown is in spring!









How time flies! Enping is now a tall building. The river was just a little gutter, a fly mosquito, a sewage mix, a stinky smell. Now, when the water is clear, the fish is free in it. Early inthe morning, people sit on a stone bench beside the pool, enjoying the smell of the flowers. A misty, vague, like a wonderland in the flowery of the birds.

Came to the street, the oncoming is a beautiful picture: dozens of crisscross streets, 10 layers of skyscrapers, department stores, movie theater has chandeliers, park fountain, thatbeautiful things everywhere. There are a lot of small shops that are particularly eye-catching, and there's a lot of stuff in there, and people who pass by, look at it. In the evening, thestreet lights up, and you see the beautiful landscape reflected in the waves of the river. Some people are boats in the river, the boat is on the bridge from time to time, and some people make"ah" screams, always making people jump. Seemed surprised by the screams, more the waves of the river water, the leaves of ballet dance is stronger, the bird in the sky circling back and forth,compared with former with smelly rubbish floating river, now is so stirring, amazing.

Our hometown: enping, now has become a golden "paradise". Ah! My lovely hometown! It has a lot of endless changes, and it's incredibly hard to believe.





Every six or July, I am particularly happy, because, the special lychee of our shenzhen is mature! At that time the lychee tree of the orchards was full of agate fruit, very beautiful! Themost delicious of the various kinds of litchi are: glutinous rice, smile and cinnamon. My mother and I couldn't wait to get the work done. I laughed. My mother picked the glutinous rice and thefather's cinnamon. Is a meal? Eat, eat the lychee that is thick and sour and sweet, don't say how happy! When you come to my house, I must let you have enough to eat!

每到六七月份,我就特别高兴,因为,我们深圳的特产荔枝成熟了!那 时西丽果园的荔枝树上结满了玛瑙一样的果实,十分美丽!种类繁多的荔枝 中最好吃的有:糯米糍、妃子笑和桂味。我和妈妈、爸爸迫不及待的分工合 作,我摘妃子笑,妈妈摘糯米糍,爸爸摘桂味。又是一顿?吃,吃着那核小 肉厚又酸又甜的荔枝,心里别提有多高兴了!以后你来我家,我一定让你吃 个够!

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