
人气:405 ℃/2023-03-14 10:44:11
【导读】 求职时提供一封推荐信的重要性,下面是小编为你收集整理的,希望对你有帮助!现在的大学毕业生在求职递上简历时往往会被要求付上一份美文简厉,如何写好一份英文简历就成了一个值得商榷的事.笔者在从事数年的英语教学过程中发现英文简历的书写也许是件容易的事,但如何写的没有错误并且能够吸...


A letter of recommendation is a valuable job-searching tool. Also called a letter of reference. For example, it's no secret that employers often use the cover of legit layoffs to get rid ofundesirable employees. If you get laid off, it might raise the eyebrows of an interviewer or two. Was it because you were among the ranks of the undesirable or simply because your job waseliminated? A letter of recommendation that praises your performance and explains why termination wasn't your fault might come in handy.


An employer might accept a letter of recommendation in place of grilling one or more of your references. That has several advantages. For one, it lets your references off the hot seat. Themore often your references have to sit in the hot seat, the less willing they might be. For another, a letter of recommendation might speed up your hiring process. It takes more time to grillyour one of references by phone or mail than it does to read your letter of recommendation. It also eliminates the risk that your reference will be unreachable, or might do a poor job becausehe or she was busy or having a rotten day. All it takes is one unreachable or poor reference to turn the tide against you, while only one stellar letter of recommendation might be enough tosatisfy your potential employer. The biggest advantage of a letter of recommendation is that you'll already know exactly what your reference has to say about you.

A letter of recommendation might even impress and comfort a potential employer. Some employers justifiably fear involvement in lawsuits resulting from poor references. Consequently, theytypically document what your references say. If you have a letter of recommendation, you've already documented for them while reducing their liability.


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