
人气:279 ℃/2024-04-30 21:34:41
【导读】 2021考研英语:如何进行分译与合译?,下面是小编为你收集整理的,希望对你有帮助!考研英语有许多题目组成,方便大家及时了解,下面由小编为你精心准备了“2021考研英语:如何进行分译与合译?”,持续关注本站将可以持续获取更多的考试资讯!2021考研英语:如何进行分译与合译?一、分译1...





英语词语的搭配关系与汉语有较大差别,比如,英语词语可以同两个以上的词搭配,相应的汉语词语却无法实现。有效的解决办法之一是根据原义和汉语搭配习惯把该词相应地译成两个词,然后分别同原来的两个或更多搭配对象组成词组。 典型例题:This military maneuver strained the government’s principles as well as theirbudgets. 参考译文: 这种军事演习使政府的原则无法自圆其说,也使其预算捉襟见肘。



典型例题: The Chinese seemed justifiably proud of their speedy economic evelopment. 参考译文 中国人以他们的经济发展速度感到自豪,这是无可非议的。


典型例题: e law of universal gravitation states that every particle of matter in the universe attracts every other with a force which is directly proportional to the product of their masses andinversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

参考译文: 万有引力定律,宇宙中每个质点都以一种力吸引其他各个质点。这种力与各质点的质量的乘积成正比,与它们之间距离的平方成反比。

典型例题: The research work is being done by a small group of dedicated and imaginative scientists who specialize in extracting from various sea animals substances that may improve the health ofthe human race.

参考译文: 一小部分富有想像力和敬业精神的科学家正在进行这项研究,他们专门研究从各种海洋动物中提取能增进人类健康的物质。


典型例题: He was very clean. His mind was open. 参考译文: 他为人单纯而坦率。

典型例题: There are men here from all over the country. Many of them are from the South.参考译文: 从全国各地来的人中有许多是南方人。


一连词before的含义是“在以前”previous to the time when。在句法上,它引导状语从句。可见它的词义颇为单纯,功能比较专一。然而,由于汉英表达习惯的不同,在将before汉译时,其译法却多种多样。常见的有以下几种:


Before I enter on the subject I have something to say. 在讨论这一问题之前,我有些话要说。

They led a miserable life before their hometown was liberated. 他们家乡解放前生活很苦。

2,译成“后才”。副词“才”在汉语中表示某事发生得晚或慢。如果在含有before从句的复合句中,强调从句动作发生得晚或慢时,就可以应用这种译法。这里又有两种情况,一种是主句主语为名词或代词,另一种是主语与非人称it。 The train had left before he got to the station.火车开了他才到车站。

It seemed a long time before my turn came.似乎过了好大一会儿才轮到我。

3,连词before与barely, scarcely, hardly连用时还可译成“刚就”。在汉语中,“就”强调事情发生得早或快。如果原文突出主句与从句的动作一前一后紧接着或几乎同时发生,即可用此译法。

We had barely sat down before we heard bicycles outside. 我们刚坐下就听到外边有自行车的声音。

We had scarcely left our school before it began to rain. 我们刚离开学校天就下起雨来。


I had not waited long before she came. 我没等多久她就来了。

It was not long before he got to know it. 不久他就知道了。


The day began to break before we got to the hilltop. 我们还没有到达山顶天就开始亮了。

Before I could say a single word, he ran away.


另外,像before he knew it一类习惯说法,则可译成“不就”。 The boy fell down from the ladder bvefore he knew it. 那个男孩不知怎么一来就从梯子上摔了下来。


Study hard before it is too late. 趁早努力学习。

I’ll do it now before I forget. 趁着还没忘记,我现在就做。 She arrived before I expected. 我没料到她来的这么早。

7,某些习语中的连词before可译成“先然后”、“先再”或“而后”等。 One must sow before one can reap. 先有播种后有收获。 Look before you leap. 三思而后行。


Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched. 鸡蛋未孵,勿先数雏。

此外,连词before还作“与其宁愿”rather than讲,通常可以为“宁可也不肯”、“宁愿决不”等。例如: We will die before we give in.我们宁死不屈。 He would die before he lied. 他宁死也不肯说谎。


二 Good一词,在英语中该算是最熟悉、最常用的了。它的搭配能力很强,而且也常见于科技文章中。一看到good,我们便自然而然得会想到“好的”这一词义。然而,在一些场合, good的译法却是颇费踌躇的。

1,可译为“好的”,但概念模糊:如good fish 好鱼,是指品种,大小还是新鲜程度呢?

2,勉强可译为“好的”,但不搭配:如Good fire若译为“很好的炉火”是可以理解的,但不如译为“旺盛的炉火”。

3,译成“好的”反而错了:如good hard work不是指“一项好的但却艰巨的工作”,而是指“一项十分艰巨的工作”。





从语言的发展来看,一个词总会有一个最原始的或最基本的词义叫做本义,而其他的词义是由这个词发展或引申而来的叫做引申义。引申,就是由原义产生新义。选择词义难就难在这个“新”字上。一是英语单词本身已有引申义。这就要勤查字典,从诸多词义中去挑选合适的词义。二是词典中所有词义都不贴切,要根据汉译的需要去创造新义,而新义又必须与本义相关联。如good一词在英语中已有引申义“strong,vigorous 强健的,有力的”。因此,His eyesight is still good.一句应译为“他的视力仍然很强。”good由“好的”引申为“强的”。而在下面的例句中,good可引申为“高度的”。 To produce strong X-rays the tube had to be made a very good vacuum.管子要产生强的射线,就必须制成高度的真空。


1、美好的良好的令人满意的 a good knife一把好刀 a good conductor良导体


1,a good soil肥沃的土壤

2,good oil提纯了的油

3,a good money真的货币

4,a good river畅通的河道

5,good English规范的英语

6,Good switches move quickly.优质开关动作灵活。good引申为“优质的”

7,That engine sounds good.那台发动机听起来很正常。good引申译为“正常”

8,the rocket travels better through vacuum than it des through the air. 火箭穿过真空比穿过空气容易。good引申译为“容易”

9,A good example of a case where electricity is changed to power is the electric streetcar.电变为动力的典型例子是电车。good example引申译为“典型的例子”

10,In the absence of an outdoor aerial this telescopic aerial will give a good picture if the transmitter signal is sufficiently strong.在无室外天线时,若发射机的信号很强,这种拉杆天线可产生清晰的图象goodpicture引申译为“清晰的图象”

11,Laser possesses a series of remarkable properties, which make it a better light source in a number of cases.激光有许多显著的特性,这些特性使它在许多情况下成为一种更理想的光源。good引申译为“理想的”


Milk is good food for children.牛奶对小孩是有益的。汉译时引申:

1,good gradient平缓的坡度

2,It is no good heating the material to such a temperature.把材料加热到这样的温度是不恰当的。good引申为“恰当的”

3、能胜任的有能力的能干的 汉译时引申:

1,a good chess player高明的棋手

2,A good human translator can do perhaps 2000 to 3000 words a day.一个熟练的翻译人员一天也许能翻译两千到三千个词。good引申译为“熟练的”


The workers gave the machine a good checking.工人们对机器进行了彻底的检查。汉译时引申:

1,have a good drink喝个痛快

2,It has been thought of making good use of the sun"s energy to serve the well-being of the people.我们早就设想过充分利用太阳能来为自己造福。good引申译为“充分”

3,This set consumes so little power that a good 12 volt car battery can still start your car after you have been watching TV for 10 hours.本机耗电极少,因而具有12伏足电的汽车蓄电池在你看电视十小时后仍能用于开车。good引申为“充足的”

4,Rivers provide good sources of hydropower.河流具有丰富的水力资源。 good引申译为“丰富的”

5,The CE circuit is widely favored since it can be designed for good voltage and current gains. CE电路得到广泛的使用,因为它能获得高电压增益和高电流增益。good... gains引申译为“高增益”


a car with good brakes刹车可靠的汽车 a good investment安全的投资汉译时引申: good debts确可偿还的债务



①Once you have a first draft on paper, you can delete material that is unrelated to your thesis and add material necessary to illustrate your points and make your paper convincing.②Thestudent who wrote "The A&P as a State of Mind" wisely dropped a paragraph that questioned whether Sammy displays chauvinistic attitudes toward women.③Although this is an interesting issue,it has nothing to do with the thesis, which explains how the setting influences Sammy’s decision to quit his job.④Instead of including that paragraph, she added one that described Lengel’scrabbed response to the girls so that she could lead up to the A&P "policy" he enforces.


1.完成初稿:you have a first draft on paper

2.必要的阐释你的观点的材料:material necessary to illustrate your points

3.使你的论文更有说服力:make your paper convincing

4.对女性表现出大男子主义:display chauvinistic attitudes toward women

5.与论文无关:have nothing to do with the thesis

6.对女孩的乖戾反应:crabbed response to the girls

7.他执行的A&P"政策"the A&P "policy" he enforces


①Once you have a first draft on paper, you can delete material that is unrelated to your thesis and add material necessary to illustrate your points and make your paper convincing.


②The student who wrote "The A&P as a State of Mind" wisely dropped a paragraph that questioned whether Sammy displays chauvinistic attitudes toward women.

③Although this is an interesting issue, it has nothing to do with the thesis, which explains how the setting influences Sammy’s decision to quit his job.

④Instead of including that paragraph, she added one that described Lengel’s crabbed response to the girls so that she could lead up to the A&P "policy" he enforces.






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