
人气:416 ℃/2024-05-02 10:48:18
【导读】 巴比伦空中花园英文介绍,下面是小编为你收集整理的,希望对你有帮助!巴比伦空中花园,是世界八大奇迹之一,又称悬园。在公元前6世纪由巴比伦王国的尼布甲尼撒二世Nebuchadnezzar在巴比伦城为其患思乡病的王妃安美依迪丝Amyitis修建的。古巴比伦王国曾出现过一座...



The Love Story Behind the Hanging Gardens

There has been a beautiful love story behind the building of the Hanging Gardens.

The Hanging Gardens were built by Nebuchadnezzar II, King of Babylon around 600 BC. He married Amytis, the princess of Media. The beautiful princess was so adorable 可爱的 that the king lovedher very much. Not long after their marriage, the princess became very frustrated and looked very sad. The king cared for his wife but didn’t know why she was unhappy.

The princess told him that she was homesick想家的. She said that there were plenty of trees and flowers in her homeland家乡, surrounded by mountains. While here in Babylon, only endless plainswere in view看得见 and even a small hill can not be found. How I wish to see the winding trails 小径 and mountains in my homeland!

Then, the king ordered to build gardens to imitate 模仿 the scenery in Media, the homeland of Amitys. Gardens with the appearance of a theatre, waterfalls, animals, fruits and plants werebuilt. These were the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.






Description of the Hanging Gardens

The path to the Garden sloped 倾斜 like a hillside 山坡 and several parts of the structure 结构 rose from tier 层,阶梯 upon tier... On all this, the earth had been piled 堆叠, and was thicklyplanted with all kinds of trees. Their great size and other charms 魅力 gave pleasure to the viewers... The water machines raised the water from the river, although no one outside could see it.

Fruits and flowers... Waterfalls... Gardens hanging from the palace terraces台地. Exotic奇异的 animals... This is the picture of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon in most people’s mind. It may besurprising to know that they might have never existed except in the mind of the Greek poets and historians!




The Water Supply System of the Hanging Gardens

The most amazing part of the Hanging Gardens is their water supply system. As rainfall was quite rare in Babylon and the relics of the Hanging Gardens were far from the Euphrates River, it isbelieved that there must have been plenty of water supply devices in the gardens. Slaves pushed the handles of the gear wheel 齿轮 on and on to lift the water to the highest tank. Then, thewater form the highest tank would flow into the gardens through the artificial waterways 人工河道.



The Maintainance of the Hanging Gardens

Another challenge of the Hanging Gardens is the maintainance保养 of the gardens. It is impossible on for ordinary buildings to maintain for a long time with the flush of the water. Blockswere rare on Mesopotamia plain, so it was believed that the blocks used for building the Hanging Gardens, which contained reeds, pitch 沥青, and tiles 瓦片,瓷砖, were different from the ordinaryblocks. Some documents even figured out that layers of lead铅 was added to the blocks to prevent the water from penetrating into the foundation.


另一个难题是空中花园的保养。对于一般建筑物来说,要长年经受河水的侵蚀而维持保养下来是不可能的。由于美索不达米亚平原Mesopotamian plain没有太多石块,因此人们相信空中花园所用的砖块与一般石块不同,它们中掺入了芦苇、沥青及瓦。还有文献指出石块中被加入了一层铅,以防止河水渗入地基。

It was not until the twentieth century that some mysteries about the Hanging Gardens were revealed 揭示. Archaeologists 考古学家 are still struggling to gather enough evidences before reachingthe final conclusions about the location, the irrigation system, and their true appearance of the Gardens.





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