
人气:103 ℃/2022-01-02 06:52:52
【导读】 星期日的英文怎么读,下面是小编为你收集整理的,希望对你有帮助!SundaySun.—Day of the Sun太阳日,星期日。 是耶稣复活日,因此西方把这一天看作最神圣的日子,称之为“安息日”或“主日”。那么,你知道吗?星期日[xīng qī rì]星期日的英...

SundaySun.—Day of the Sun太阳日,星期日。 是耶稣复活日,因此西方把这一天看作最神圣的日子,称之为“安息日”或“主日”。那么,你知道吗?

星期日[xīng qī rì]



First Day


day of rest



I would like to invite you to a ball next Sunday.


We work five days a week and have every Saturday and Sunday off.


The boys hate doing homework on Sundays.


It happened on Sunday morning.


Sunday is my rest day.


Sunday is the first day of the week.


She was sundaying with his boyfriend in the country at this time last year.


Sunday is a day of rest for many people.


He is breaking the law by selling goods on sunday.

He told his story to The Sunday Times and produced photographs 他把自己的经历讲述给了《星期日泰晤士报》的记者,还提供了照片。

The Sunday Times remains the brand leader by a huge margin 《星期日泰晤士报》仍以巨大的优势稳居报业龙头的地位。

You normally receive 4 treatments each day, Sundays excepted 通常每天接受4次治疗,星期日除外。

She writes for many papers, including the Sunday Times 她给包括《星期日泰晤士报》在内的很多报纸撰稿。

The twelve finalists will be listed in the Sunday Times 12名决赛选手的名单将刊登在《星期日泰晤士报》上。

Developments in South Africa receive extensive coverage in The Sunday Telegraph 《星期日电讯报》全面报道了南非的发展。

Sunday trading laws will be reformed 星期日交易法将进行改革。

She contrived to spend a couple of hours with him every Sunday evening 每周星期日晚上她都设法与他待上几个小时。

The driver was rostered for Sunday 这名司机被安排在星期日值班。

a taboo on working on a Sunday 禁止星期日工作的习俗

I have to stay in on weeknights 除了星期六和星期日外我每天晚上都得待在家里。

Being a professional actor of necessity means working nights and Sundays 作为职业演员必然意味着晚上和星期日要工作

My parents are under a vow to go to church every Sunday 我父母许愿,每星期日都去做礼拜

According to the calendar my birthday falls on a Sunday this year 按照今年的日历,我的生日恰好是个星期日

She decided to leave here on Sunday instead of Monday 她决定星期日而不是星期一离开这里

The sound of guns violated the usual calm of Sunday morning 炮声破坏了平常星期日早晨的宁静

We go to school every day but Sunday 我们除了星期日每天都上学

On Remembrance Sunday we honour those who died 我们在休战纪念星期日这天向捐躯的人致敬

Last Sunday dawned a perfect day 上星期日,一早就是个好天气

They are studying what to do next Sunday 他们在研究下星期日做什么

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