
人气:478 ℃/2021-09-24 17:18:59
【导读】 外语演讲大赛初赛英语1组演讲题目,下面是小编为你收集整理的,希望对你有帮助!袁园媛:Yulin, My Love文博生:Can We Benefit from the Relationship between GX and Asean?宁甲超:Looking back and...

袁园媛:Yulin, My Love

文博生:Can We Benefit from the Relationship between GX and Asean?

宁甲超:Looking back and looking forward

伍仁超:Guangxi , You Are in My Heart

陈斯琪:China-ASEAN , Be Friends Forever

李至圆:Friendship and Development

李俐婵 : Sailing with Expectation 

钟思萍,梁贵茜:A Land of Wonder and Beauty

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