

人气:280 ℃/2023-11-27 14:18:21




1. acquire / impart knowledge 收获/传授知识

2. create academic atmosphere / environment 创造学习氛围

3. make academic achievement 取得学术成就

4. evaluate academic performance 评估学习表现

5. adolescents / juveniles / youngsters / youths 青少年

6. adolescent 青春期的

7. adolescent worries 青春期的烦恼

8. secondary education; high school 中学

9. the approach / method / fashion of education 教育的方式

10. parenting / upbringing 家庭教育

11. cheat in the exam 考试作弊

12. pass the exam; fail the exam 考试(不)合格

13. academic dishonesty 学术不诚实

14. be punished 收到惩罚

15. various subjects / courses 不同科目

16. be diligent in the study 勤奋学习

17. industrious students 勤奋的学生

18. devote time (money) to sth. 投入

19. slack off in study 学习松懈

20. focus on / be absorbed in (concentrate on) their study 专注于学习

21. distract sb. From doing sth; get distracted by sth; distraction 干扰

22. schooling 学校教育

23. set goals 制定目标

24. higher goals 更高的目标

25. achieve / accomplish their goals 实现目标

26. learning resources 学习资源

27. develop / change a positive attitude towards 建立/改变正确的学习态度

28. a wide scope of knowledge 宽广的知识面

29. a solid foundation 扎实的基础

30. dabble in different subjects 涉猎不同科目

31. develop / cultivate critical thinking 发展/培养批判思维

32. suit; be suitable for 适合

33. master / command / grasp what has been taught 掌握知识

34. promote academic exchange 促进学术交流

35. aptitude (for) / talent (for) 天资,禀赋

36. develop / cultivate / foster / nurture 培养

37. specialist 专才

38. generalist 通才

39. all-rounded / well-rounded / versatile 全面的

40. awareness / sense 意识

41. the development of students’ personality and values 学生个性和价值观的发展

42. mold one’s character 塑造某人的性格

43. mold someone into something 把某人塑造成…

44. a (or the) the sense of responsibility (or duty / obligation) 责任感

45. physical and psychological soundness (or well-being / welfare) 身体和心理的健康

46. behave 行为举止

47. behavior 行为举止

48. a valuable member of society 有价值的社会一员

49. make contributions to social progress 对社会进步作出贡献

50. contribute to social well-being (or welfare) 为社会健康发展做贡献

51. exam-oriented education 应试教育

52. quality-oriented education 素质教育

53. learning style 学习方式

54. learn by rote; rote learning 死记硬背

55. memorize formulas and equations 记忆公式和方程式

56. adopt cramming method of teaching 采用填鸭式教学

57. obtain university qualification 获得大学文凭

58. enroll students 招收学生

59. enrollment 招生量

60. specialized knowledge 专业知识

61. specialize subject 专业课

62. specialize in 专长于

63. become generalist 成为全才

64. compulsory (elective, optional) course 必修课,选修课

65. liberal arts 文科

66. science subject 理科

67. achieve life value 实现人生价值

68. pedagogy / pedagogical (or teaching) methodology 教学法

69. educational 教育的,有教育意义的

70. inspiring 激励的,启发心灵的,鼓舞人心的

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