

人气:489 ℃/2024-03-20 05:44:18

1. Smile - 微笑 (wēi xiào)

Example sentence: She gave him a warm smile. (她向他微笑了一下。)

2. Chew - 咀嚼 (jǔ jué)

Example sentence: The baby is learning to chew solid food. (宝宝正在学习咀嚼固体食物。)

3. Yawn - 打哈欠 (dǎ hā qiàn)

Example sentence: I couldn't help but yawn during the boring lecture. (在无聊的讲座中,我忍不住打了个哈欠。)

4. Lick - 舔 (tiǎn)

Example sentence: The dog licked my hand affectionately. (狗亲昵地舔了舔我的手。)

5. Pout - 噘嘴 (juē zuǐ)

Example sentence: She pouted when she didn't get her way. (当她没有得到自己想要的时候,她噘起了嘴。)

6. Blow - 吹气 (chuī qì)

Example sentence: He blew out the candles on his birthday cake. (他吹灭了生日蛋糕上的蜡烛。)

7. Suck - 吮吸 (shǔn xī)

Example sentence: The baby sucked on her pacifier for comfort. (宝宝吮吸着奶嘴以获得安慰。)

8. Spit - 吐口水 (tǔ kǒu shuǐ)

Example sentence: He spat out the sour candy. (他把酸糖吐了出来。)

9. Bite - 咬 (yǎo)

Example sentence: The dog bit the intruder to protect its owner. (狗咬了入侵者以保护主人。)

10. Sip - 喝一小口 (hē yī xiǎo kǒu)

Example sentence: She sipped her tea slowly, enjoying every sip. (她慢慢地喝着茶,享受每一口。)

11. Swallow - 吞咽 (tūn yàn)

Example sentence: He had difficulty swallowing the large pill. (他很难咽下那颗大药丸。)

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